
Leucus Occultation 2018-12-13 (G* = 13.4)

The interactive map below shows our final prediction for the stellar occultation by (11351) Leucus on 2018 December 13 UT. The prediction is based on a Gaia DR2 position for the star and the v20181212210052 orbit estimate for Leucus. This orbit includes information from the November 2018 Leucus occultations.

Geocentric mid-time of the event is 18:20:17 UT. Star position is RA 20:58:32.0, Dec -06:39:36 (J2000), and its magnitude is 12.57. Leucus is moving at 31 km/s with respect to the star and its diameter is estimated to be 45 km, so central chords are expected to last 1.5 seconds. Leucus' magnitude is predicted to be 18.9 at event time, so it will be 340 times fainter than the star.

Updated: Jan 28, 2021

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